Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bubble Gum Joy

Have you ever chewed a piece of gum? Although I don't very often now, I did as a child. I remember chewing the bubble gum that came in little squares wrapped in comics. It tasted scrumptious! As kids, it brought us joy to chew gum and blow bubbles all day. The flavor didn't last long though, so as soon as one piece lost its flavor, we would spit it out, and pop in another one. 

How simple, at times, it can be to feel joy. It often seems that if we are having a day that suits us for the moment, then it's a joyful kind of day. For some that is a day filled with excitement, for others it might be a quiet day full of reflection, and still for others, it might be a day when we have accomplished a lot on our "to do" lists. Everyone finds their "bubble gum joy" in different ways. Like the flavor of bubble gum, though, it only lasts a little while. It can disappear at the first sign of clouds on our horizon. So, anxious not to lose that feeling, we pop in another piece, or better said...we look for joy in other places. Continually searching for that fleeting fresh taste of "bubble gum joy". 

But what about the joy that fills the deepest part of you?
 The deep joy that will sustain you on even your darkest of days? The kind of joy that brings a peacefulness with it, and will not,
 go away no matter what looms on our horizon?
The kind of joy that never loses it's flavor? 
What kind of day brings us that joy? 

There isn't one kind of day that brings deep, lasting joy. That joy is supernatural. It can only come from a right-relationship with God. It does not depend on the  kind of day we are having. 
Unlike "bubble gum joy", it will never lose its flavor.

How does one get it? 
It comes from spending daily time with Jesus, and reading God's Word, the Bible. With His help, we can align ourselves and our lives up with what the Bible teaches. Each day, putting our priorities in the correct order that will serve Him and glorify Him.

 God is the Creator of joy! 

Who better to place that deep, lasting joy inside you than Him?
A life spent in daily communion with God will cause you to be filled with deep, abiding joy, that will fill you with His peace. Then, no matter what kind of day you might have, it is still a day filled with joy!!

 May the God of hope fill you with all peace and joy as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
Romans 15:13 

  You, Lord, make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11 

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